U3A Kiwi NZ

This is the development site for U3A New Zealand

If you are interested in being part of a team Co-ordinating an Internet online version of U3A (Virtual U3A) , please register your interest from the contact page above >

The main NZ U3A website is
 u3a.nz > 

NZ U3A Directory > 

U3A On Line

There are some towns and places that are not covered by physical meetings.

  • Ideal for Rest homes;  to extend ones "Bubble"
  • Ideal for those with Mobility issues
  • Free for all over 55+
  • A place where U3A members can publish their Presentations. Examples of  Virtual U3A content found in the right hand column here >
U3A online

If you are enquiring about a U3A located in New Zealand,
have you checked out the Directory > page.
Otherwise we would love to hear from you.